
This section describes the common behavior of FleCSI topologies as well as providing a brief survey of the types available.



A topology is a collection of index spaces that represent a computational domain like a mesh or a layout of particles in space. (Fields on some of these index spaces express physical quantities; others contain structural information describing the domain itself.) An application can use multiple topologies of the same or different types, serially or simultaneously. Sometimes the word “topology” refers to one of these types rather than to a specific instance of it.

Topology Categories

FleCSI provides infrastructural components for several categories of topology, such as unstructured or ntree. Each topology type is defined in terms of one such category; clients cannot define their own.


A specialization is a customization of a topology category to create an interface that allows domain experts to implement operations on top of the topology. The relevant operations will depend strongly on the needs of the domain experts, but will often include queries about the physical layout of points within the simulation space. For example, a specialization of the unstructured topology category for a two-dimensional mesh might define it in terms of vertices, edges, and elements but not faces. In fact, every topology type is such a specialization; we use the term “specialization” to emphasize the definition of the type rather than its use.

Index Spaces

Just as “topology” can refer to a type or an instance of that type, the term “index space” can refer not only to the (say) 42 cells of a particular mesh but also to the choice between “cells” and “nodes” as the domain for a field (that might exist on multiple meshes). The names that describe these index-space “kinds” are chosen by the specialization.

An index space has no concept of relationships between different index points in the same index space. For example, nothing in the definition of the index space specifies which entities are spatially adjacent to which other entities. This information would be encoded in the specialization (sometimes with support from the underlying topology). When these relationships cross colors (as for the specification of ghost copies), a two-dimensional index point is used whose first component is the color number.

Different index spaces also have no knowledge of how they relate to each other. A set of faces might define the boundary of a cell but the index spaces alone have no ability to know that, or to map from a cell to the list of faces that surround it. This information would be encoded in the specialization.

Provided Topologies

Topology categories provide only generic interfaces, some more generic than others. These interfaces are meant to be used to create specializations that are suitable for direct use by application developers.

A few topology categories are so simple that FleCSI provides a single specialization rather than a generic interface to be specialized:

  • The global topology is the most basic topology provided by FleCSI. It has a single index space of configurable size; uniquely, it is not partitioned between colors and does not support ragged or sparse fields. The field values of the global topology can be written to by a single task at a time, or can be read by every task in a parallel launch. This topology will typically be used for global configuration data (for example, whether the current simulation is 1D, 2D, or 3D).

  • The index topology is the next most basic topology provided by FleCSI. It also has a single index space of configurable size. Each index point is assigned to a separate color, so the single layout is typical (although a variable amount of data can still be stored with ragged or sparse instead). The index topology could be used to store per-color integral quantities or to turn on or off physics packages that are only run in subsets of the domain (e.g., this color needs to run hydrodynamics but there are no energy sources).

The normal topology categories do require a specialization:

  • The user topology still provides but a single index space, but it has a size on each color that can be set at construction and changed later. The specialization serves merely as a tag to distinguish multiple clients. No ghost copies are supported.

  • The narray topology comprises a set of multidimensional arrays, with each axis divided into a number of intervals to form a Cartesian product of colors. It includes special support for representing a structured mesh where access to neighboring entities is by computed index. It includes features to help build faces, edges, and vertices (referring to them collectively as “auxiliaries”). It also helps manage communication across colors through ghost cells, and boundary conditions through boundary cells.

  • The ntree topology is designed to support particles and to efficiently find neighboring particles. It uses a hashed binary tree, quadtree, or octree in one, two, or three dimensions respectively. The ntree topology is useful for particle-based methods such as smoothed-particle hydrodynamics.

  • The unstructured topology comprises an arbitrary set of index spaces along with several kinds of graph adjacency information that support use as an unstructured mesh. The index spaces can be resized to support mesh refinement.


A coloring is the layout information required to construct a topology instance, so called because it generally identifies which color owns each index point. As a trivial example, the global and index topologies can use just an integer as a coloring:

using namespace flecsi;

int top_level() {
  topo::global::slot pair;
  topo::index::slot hydro_indices;
  // ...

Note the different interpretations of the sizes: pair doesn’t have colors and holds 2 field values, while hydro_indices has 42 colors with one field value each.

Note also that the lifetime of topology instances must be limited to the top-level action (achieved here by making the slots local variables in it).

While the coloring type depends on the topology category and not the specialization, specializations for non-trivial topologies typically assist the application in constructing one. In simple cases, the result looks like

int top_level() {
  canon::slot mesh;
  // ...

which asks the canon topology to interpret the test.txt file as a coloring for its topology category (perhaps unstructured). The name mpi_coloring serves as a reminder that this procedure is launched as an MPI task, as is often required for it to perform collective I/O or distribute data.