A topology is a distributed-memory object that stores user-registered fields on one or more index spaces. It may also store structural information used to interpret those fields in terms appropriate to the category of topology (e.g., an unstructured mesh). Any number of instances may be created of any topology.
Index Spaces
In FleCSI, index spaces are used to define field arrays that represent the user’s data. In simple terms, you can think of an index space as just an enumeration of an array, with the added notion that an index space represents a logical space of such arrays.
An index space is the space of possible enumerations of a logical set of points or indices.
As an example, consider the cells of a mesh. These represent a set that can be enumerated to define an index space. If a particular mesh instance has 100 cells, these cells define a vector (or index set) in the index space of cells. We often still refer to this as an index space or index space instance. The vertices and edges of the mesh also define index spaces. In fact, in FleCSI, index spaces are used to represent the logical elements or entities of all of our topology types.
There are several benefits of index spaces. One is that they can be iterated upon or over. As an example, consider a simple for loop:
for(auto i: mesh.cells()) {
// Do something work on the ith
// index of the cells index space.
} // for
This example is just the C++ version of what was stated above about the cells of a mesh defining an index space. However, as we will see in the following sections, index spaces also improve our ability to reason about parallelism, and free us from many of the computer science details that obfuscate our algorithms.
Basic Categories
The most basic topology provided by FleCSI is called the global topology. It has a single implicit index space which is not partitioned; its field values can be written by a single task or read by every task in a parallel launch.
The next most basic topology type provided by FleCSI is the index topology. Like the global topology, it has a single implicit index space, which you can think of as the indices. The index topology also has a runtime-specified size that describes how many indices there should be.
Field Registration
Let’s look at an example of how to register fields against the global and index topologies:
using namespace flecsi;
using double_field = field<double, data::single>;
namespace solver {
const double_field::definition<topo::global> tolerance;
namespace hydro {
const double_field::definition<topo::index> index_data[2];
The first variable declaration in this example registers a field called solver::tolerance
with type double
The second registers two fields called hydro::index_data
with type double
(An array of fields can be used for data that logically have multiple states, as in a multi-step time evolution method.)
In both cases, the user does not need to explicitly specify index space. As we will see, this is necessary for more complex topology types that can be customized by a specialization.
Logically, registering a field against a topology type adds that field to the type itself. This may not be intuitive to everyone, so let’s consider what this means. When we create a C++ type, e.g., a class or struct, we add data members to it in the definition of the type:
struct field_data_t {
double field_a;
int field_b;
}; // struct topology_t
This is done manually at the time the type is written. With FleCSI, registering fields against a FleCSI topology type is a kind of customization that is logically equivalent to our field_data_t example type. So, for instance, if we want fields field_a, and field_b to be defined for the FleCSI index topology, we would register them like so:
namespace radiation {
const field<double, data::single>::definition<topo::index> field_a;
const field<int, data::single>::definition<topo::index> field_b;
Optionally, we could also just register the field_data_t struct:
namespace radiation {
const field<field_data_t, data::single>::definition<topo::index> fields;
Both of these methods of registering fields are valid, and it is left up to the user to decide which way makes the most sense. The performance implications of choosing one method over the other are equivalent to choosing array-of-struct (AoS) or struct-of-array (SoA). FleCSI does not currently support switching or auto-tuning of the data layout. However, we may do so in future versions.
Let’s continue discussing the index topology so that we can add some more details about its index space and define what coloring means in FleCSI.
As stated above, the index topology has a single implicit index space. For the index topology, we can think of the implicit index space as just being the indices, with a particular instance being defined by its size.
The index topology also has an implicit coloring that assigns each index of the topology’s indices to its own color: i.e., index 0 is assigned to color 0, etc. This simple example illustrates the definition of a coloring.
A coloring is a description of how the indices of an index space should be divided into partitions or colors.
In general, there is no implied size for a coloring, and no association with the details of a particular execution space, i.e., the number of processes. A coloring only describes how to divide the indices of an index space into partitions (or colors in FleCSI’s nomenclature).
A coloring is not associated with an execution space. This is different from the way that many people think about MPI, where a rank is statically mapped to a particular process.
Given a coloring (which in these two simple cases can be just an integer), topology instances can be created:
using namespace flecsi;
int top_level() {
topo::global::slot pair;
topo::index::slot hydro_indices;
// ...
Note the different interpretations of the sizes: pair
doesn’t have colors and holds 2 field values, while hydro_indices
has 42 colors with one field value each.
Note also that the lifetime of topology instances must be limited to the top-level action (achieved here by making the slots local variables in it).