Data Model

To track dependencies among tasks and move data to the correct memory space for each, FleCSI requires detailed information about the data accessed by each task. It therefore provides several types with which clients can define, create, and access that data.

This section begins with a brief overview of the important concepts: as they interact with each other, a detailed discussion cannot completely separate them out. This will be followed by a deeper dive into each topic.

Important Concepts

Index Spaces

An index space is an enumeration of all entities of one kind (such as cells, nodes, or particles) in a computational domain. Each entity in an index space is labeled with an index point.


Each index space is partitioned into a number of colors that can be processed in parallel. A color is not strictly bound to the memory space of a particular process (MPI rank), but can be relocated by the task-based parallelism machinery depending on the needs of the application.


A field defines a variable over a particular index space, such as the mass in a cell (or a list per material) or the momentum vector of a particle. It provides the information necessary to manage the memory for that variable.


Schematic of two fields on an index space

Index Spaces

Conceptually, an index space is a single collection of the entities in the problem across all colors. However, the data is not only distributed but (for many computational methods) duplicated in part in the form of ghost elements, so there is no “global ID” used to access it.

Each color of an index space is presented as a one-dimensional array which includes any ghosts as well as the color’s owned data. As a point task has access to only one color at a time, an index point is just an ordinary index into this array.


Following Legion, FleCSI refers to simulation subdomains, each processed by a single C++ function call at a time, as colors. The data for a subdomain is not owned by a process (an MPI rank) but can be relocated depending on the needs of the simulation. Moreover, with the Legion backend their number is not required to match the number of processes:

  • You may know that some regions of your simulation domain will unpredictably be more expensive to compute. In this case, one processor will take a long time to compute a single “expensive” color, while other processors finish their work quickly and wait for the next task. In this case, you may want to create additional colors so that some processors can handle multiple “inexpensive” blocks.

  • You may have multiple physics packages that can run in parallel, such as a hydrodynamics solver and an energy source. In that situation you could use fewer colors than processes so that some processes can perform calculations for the hydrodynamics while others perform calculations for the energy source.

Ghost Elements

Field values can be communicated between colors via ghost elements.

  • A ghost element is an index point that belongs to another color, but a copy is provided to the current color. An example would be the use of ghost cells in stencil-based codes so that each cell can read its neighbors’ values and compute gradients. Typical usage does not involve writing to ghosts.

  • An index point that belongs to the current color but could be copied to be a ghost element of another color is called a shared element.

  • Any index points belonging to the current color that are never copied to be ghost elements are known as exclusive elements.

The read/write permissions of accessors may distinguish between these three varieties of index points in order to expose additional opportunities for parallelization.


A field defines a variable associated with an index space. Only tasks can access the actual data.


Index spaces are organized into topologies; variables are defined on an index space by registering fields on its topology type. Supposing we have a topology type topo_t, we can write

const flecsi::field<double>::definition<topo_t, topo_t::cells> mass_field;
const flecsi::field<double>::definition<topo_t, topo_t::faces> massflux_field;

The mass_field variable declaration states that the topo_t topology has a mass in each cell. The massflux_field variable declaration states that the topo_t topology has a mass flux on each face.

If you have multiple fields on the same index space, you can declare them in a way that’s analogous to a struct of arrays or in a way that’s analogous to an array of structs. In a hydrodynamics code, the conserved variables in your cells would include both mass and energy, so you can declare these fields in two different ways. To get a struct-of-arrays data structure, you would declare

const flecsi::field<double>::definition<topo_t, topo_t::cells> mass_field;
const flecsi::field<double>::definition<topo_t, topo_t::cells> energy_field;

To get an array-of-structs data structure, you would instead declare

struct cell_data_t {
  double mass;
  double energy;
const flecsi::field<cell_data_t>::definition<topo_t, topo_t::cells> cell_field;

The struct-of-arrays approach would allow you to access the mass field without also having to access the energy field (at the potential cost of additional dependency analysis overhead), but in the array-of-structs approach you are allocating storage for cell_data_t structs so you cannot access the mass without also accessing the energy. The usual concerns about cache utilization and vectorizability must also be considered.

When you have a vector quantity, you have extra options. Continuing with the example of hydrodynamics, you also have a momentum variable in each cell, and momentum is a three-dimensional vector. To get a struct-of-arrays approach, you could declare each component independently as

const flecsi::field<double>::definition<topo_t, topo_t::cells> momentum0_field;
const flecsi::field<double>::definition<topo_t, topo_t::cells> momentum1_field;
const flecsi::field<double>::definition<topo_t, topo_t::cells> momentum2_field;

or you could simply declare

const flecsi::field<double>::definition<topo_t, topo_t::cells> momentum_fields[3];

In both cases, you get a struct-of-arrays data structure and the different momentum fields can be allocated independently of each other. If you want an array-of-structs approach, you could declare

struct momenta_t {
  double x;
  double y;
  double z;
const flecsi::field<momenta_t>::definition<topo_t, topo_t::cells> momentum_field;


Each field has one of several pre-defined layouts, which specifies how field elements (of type T) relate to index points:

  • The single layout stores one T for each color. For example, if you have physics operators that only apply in certain regions of space, you could using the single layout to store a flag indicating if a given color needs to execute that physics operator. Accessing the one element does not require specifying an index point, since there is only one for a color.

  • The dense layout stores one T for each index point. This is a very common layout, used when every cell or particle has a value for that field, such as mass in a cell or energy of a particle.

  • The ragged layout stores a resizable array of T for each index point. It can be thought of as analogous to having a std::vector<T> for each index point. This could be used to store a list of materials present in a given cell when not every cell has every material and the materials can move to different cells over time.

  • The sparse layout can be thought of in several ways, depending on what is most useful:

    • A sparse layout can be thought of as similar to the ragged layout, but without the requirement that every element in the array must exist. That is, the fact that element 5 exists does not imply that elements 0 through 4 also exist. This allows memory savings if there are large gaps where ragged would allocate memory that is not needed.

    • Alternately, a sparse layout can be thought of as analogous to a std::map<std::size_t,T> for each index point. This is closer to the actual implementation.

    An example where this might be useful is to track the masses of different materials when not every cell must contain every material but you want the same index to always refer to the same material.

  • The particle layout stores an unordered set of T for each color; the index points are simply arbitrary ids for the particles.

The field registration examples above use the dense layout by default. Other layouts are chosen with syntax like flecsi::field<double, flecsi::data::ragged>.


Fields are registered on topology types, so every instance of that topology type has the field. It is therefore as if a member were added to a C++ struct: one might imagine defining mass_field on the topology topo_t, creating an instance of topo_t called grid, and writing grid.mass_field. However, the language does not actually allow extending a type. Instead, the field objects themselves become tools to extract the field data, so you would get the mass field from grid by calling mass_field(grid). This expression produces a field reference which can be passed as an argument to a task that uses the field.


A task accepts field references as arguments for special function parameters called accessors. When the task is launched, memory for the fields is allocated if necessary and is provided to the task via the accessors. Accessors also encode the privileges for each task, which are used by the task model to determine the order in which tasks may be executed. For example, two tasks that access the same field have to be serialized if they both have read and write permissions for that field, but two tasks with read-only access to the same field can run in parallel.

The available privileges are

  • na – no access

  • ro – read-only

  • wo – write-only

  • rw – read-write

The same field type that registers a field also specifies accessors for it: a typical accessor for updating a dense field would have the type flecsi::field<double>::accessor<flecsi::rw>.

Topologies with ghosts also use privileges to determine when copies are required to give a task access to updated ghost data. In this case multiple privileges are specified to describe access to exclusive, shared, and/or ghost elements. If no privilege grants write permission (e.g., with flecsi::field<double>::accessor<flecsi::ro, flecsi::ro, flecsi::na>), the accessor will produce the const-qualified version of the field type. However, it is impossible to so restrict some but not all index points (for, say, flecsi::field<double>::accessor<flecsi::rw, flecsi::ro, flecsi::ro>); if the client modifies elements for which it has no write permission, the behavior is undefined.

The first access to each field must be write-only, except that the ghosts may be no-access to indicate that the initial values need to be copied to other colors as usual.


An accessor can read or write the values in a field but cannot add or remove them. Layouts that support those operations provide mutators for the purpose:

  • A ragged mutator provides an interface at each index point based on std::vector.

  • A sparse mutator provides an interface at each index point based on std::map.

  • A particle mutator provides an interface based on C++’s proposed std::hive for efficient insertion and deletion of field values.

Just like an accessor, a mutator corresponds to a field reference argument and has privileges. The first access to a field with any of these layouts must use a write-only mutator to initialize it to the appropriate empty state.


Every layout that has a mutator has a maximum number of elements that can be stored. This limit can be changed, but not during a task, so it must be chosen by the client as a compromise between memory usage (and sometimes communication overhead) and the probability of process failure due to buffer exhaustion. For the particle layout, this maximum is simply the size of the index space. For the ragged and sparse layouts, this maximum is shared among all the index points and must be set separately. (It might even be smaller than the index space if most index points are expected to have 0 elements.)

Field references for ragged or sparse fields provide a get_elements member function that provides access to the topology component that stores elements. The object returned can be used to allocate memory manually (with resize) or automatically based on a heuristic (with growth).

The current implementation of memory management for these layouts imposes several limitations. First, the automatic memory allocation is incompatible with Tracing, so ragged and sparse mutators cannot be used in a task launched during a trace. Ghost copies for these layouts are implemented using mutators, so they are excluded from traces as well. Moreover, they use further temporary allocations during a task that are incompatible with GPU execution, so they cannot be used in a toc task.