Here is a list of all documented class members with links to the class documentation for each member:
- s -
- send() : core< P >::access< Priv >
- serialization_interval : config
- set_node_attribute() : graphviz
- share_ghosts() : ntree< Policy >
- shared() : index_color, peer_entities
- size() : borrow, mutator< ragged, T, P >, mutator< sparse, T, P >, particle_accessor< class, Privileges, bool >, ragged_accessor< class, Privileges, Privileges >, region_base, narray< Policy >::access< Priv >, BBox< DIM >, crs, dimensioned_array< TYPE, DIMENSION, NAMESPACE >, inplace_vector< T, SIZE >, map_base< D >, convert< T >, future< Return, exec::launch_type_t::index >
- size_len : prefix_range
- sizes() : with_size
- skip() : trace
- slice_task() : mpi_mapper_t
- slot : specialization< C, D >
- sort() : dag< NodePolicy >, sort< FieldRef >
- span() : accessor< raw, DATA_TYPE, PRIVILEGES >, ragged_accessor< class, Privileges, Privileges >, reduction_accessor< R, T >, span< T >
- span_iter() : mutator< ragged, T, P >::row
- special_entities() : unstructured< Policy >::access< Privileges >
- special_field : unstructured< Policy >
- specialization_base() : specialization_base
- Start : buffers
- start() : trace, context
- state() : control< P >
- stop() : trace
- stream() : state
- strip_level : config
- substring_view() : substring_view< R >
- sync() : tee_buffer_t