Here is a list of all documented functions with links to the class documentation for each member:
- o -
- offset() : narray< Policy >::access< Priv >
- offsets() : offsets
- operator coloring &() : specialization< C, D >::mpi_coloring
- operator const coloring &() : specialization< C, D >::mpi_coloring
- operator element_type &() : accessor< single, DATA_TYPE, PRIVILEGES >
- operator ValueType() : program_option< ValueType >
- operator!=() : filling_curve_key< DIM, T, DERIVED >
- operator()() : accessor< dense, T, P >, accessor< sparse, T, P >::row, buffers::ragged, copy_engine, field< T, L >::definition< Topo, Space >, getopt, map_base< D >, mdcolex< T, D >, sort< FieldRef >
- operator*() : accessor< single, DATA_TYPE, PRIVILEGES >, mutator< sparse, T, P >::row::iterator, task_local< T >
- operator+=() : BBox< DIM >
- operator->() : accessor< single, DATA_TYPE, PRIVILEGES >, task_local< T >
- operator/() : dimensioned_array< TYPE, DIMENSION, NAMESPACE >
- operator<() : filling_curve_key< DIM, T, DERIVED >
- operator<=() : filling_curve_key< DIM, T, DERIVED >
- operator=() : accessor< single, DATA_TYPE, PRIVILEGES >, trace, dimensioned_array< TYPE, DIMENSION, NAMESPACE >
- operator==() : filling_curve_key< DIM, T, DERIVED >
- operator>() : filling_curve_key< DIM, T, DERIVED >
- operator>=() : filling_curve_key< DIM, T, DERIVED >
- operator[]() : accessor< dense, T, P >, accessor< sparse, T, P >, mutator< ragged, T, P >, mutator< sparse, T, P >, ragged_accessor< class, Privileges, Privileges >, reduction_accessor< R, T >, crs, dimensioned_array< TYPE, DIMENSION, NAMESPACE >, inplace_vector< T, SIZE >, map_base< D >, mdspan< T, D >
- overflow() : tee_buffer_t
- owned() : index_color