CMake for FleCSI client applications #################################### The FleCSI installation provides mutliple CMake files to support writing new software. While the ``FleCSI`` CMake package is used to build software on top of FleCSI, the additional CMake files provide common CMake code and macros for adding dependencies, building documentation, unit-testing and other utilities that might be useful for clients. The CMake package is installed either when you build and install FleCSI manually via CMake to ``CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX`` or when using a Spack installation. If you installed FleCSI in a Spack environment the necessary environment variables will be automatically set. After manual compilation and installation of FleCSI via CMake, you will have to prepend the installation prefix to the ``CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH`` environment variable to make it available. .. code-block:: bash export CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH=/path/to/your/flecsi/install:$CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH --------------------------------------------------------------------------- FleCSI CMake files ================== FleCSI-based applications often need common CMake code to enable features and/or add dependencies. The ``FleCSI`` package also exposes utility CMake files that are meant to be included in new projects. It does so by adding its installation parent folder to the CMake's search path when you add the package: .. code-block:: cmake find_package(FleCSI REQUIRED) Once added, you can ``include`` the CMake files provided by this package. For example, if you want to use the provided ``documentation.cmake``, you can add it as follows: .. code-block:: cmake include(FleCSI/documentation) Documentation ------------- FleCSI uses both Sphinx and Doxygen for its documentation system. The following CMake files can be included to utilize the same documentation system for your own projects. ``FleCSI/documentation`` Adds the ``flecsi_set_doc_target_name(target)`` macro, which is used to define the name of a generic documentation target ``FLECSI_DOC_TARGET``. This target collects and runs all other later defined documentation targets. If no name is set, it defaults to ``doc``. This target itself is created during the first call of either ``flecsi_add_doxygen_target`` or ``flecsi_add_sphinx_target``. This file also adds the ``flecsi_add_doc_deployment()`` function. It takes two parameters: the target name and ``GITHUB_PAGES_REPO`` which is a Git repository URL. Running the target checks out the ``gh-pages`` branch of that repository, clears it and puts the result of all documentation targets into it. Files are only added, but **not** commited or pushed. These are left as manual steps. ``FleCSI/sphinx`` Adds the ``flecsi_set_sphinx_target_name`` macro, which is used to define the name of a generic Sphinx target ``FLECSI_SPHINX_TARGET``. This target collects and runs all other later defined Sphinx targets. If no name is set, it defaults to ``sphinx``. The target itself is created during the first call of ``flecsi_add_sphinx_target``. Sphinx builds are defined with the ``flecsi_add_sphinx_target`` function. It takes three parameters: the target name, which will be prefixed with ``${FLECSI_SPHINX_TARGET}-``, a ``CONFIG`` directory, and ``OUTPUT`` directory. The provided ``CONFIG`` directory must contain a ```` file. This template will be processed with ``configure_file`` to produce the final Sphinx configuration file ````. This configuration file as well as the ``_static`` and ``_templates`` directories will be copied to the ``OUTPUT`` directory, where the target will be built. Usage: .. code-block:: cmake include(FleCSI/documentation) include(FleCSI/sphinx) flecsi_set_doc_target_name(mydoc) flecsi_set_sphinx_target_name(mysphinx) flecsi_add_sphinx_target(main # custom target name CONFIG ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/doc/sphinx # folder containing OUTPUT ${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/doc # output directory ) flecsi_add_doc_deployment(deploy-docs GITHUB_PAGES_REPO # the following targets will be defined: # - mydoc # - mysphinx # - mysphinx-main # - deploy-docs ``FleCSI/doxygen`` Adds the ``flecsi_set_doxygen_target_name`` macro, which is used to define the name of a generic Doxygen target ``FLECSI_DOXYGEN_TARGET``. This target collects and runs all other later defined Doxygen targets. If no name is set, it defaults to ``doxygen``. The target itself is created during the first call of ``flecsi_add_doxygen_target``. Doxygen builds are defined with the ``flecsi_add_doxygen_target`` function. It takes two parameters: the target name, which will be prefixed with ``${FLECSI_DOXYGEN_TARGET}-``, and one or more file names in ``CONFIGS``. Each of the configuration files will be processed with ``configure_file``. The final output location is controlled by what is defined in these configuration files. E.g. by defining ``OUTPUT_DIRECTORY`` relative to the ``CMAKE_BINARY_DIR``: .. code-block:: ini OUTPUT_DIRECTORY = @CMAKE_BINARY_DIR@/doc/api See ``doc/doxygen/`` in the FleCSI source repository as an example configuration. Coverage and Unit Testing ------------------------- FleCSI uses its own unit-testing framework and installs the necessary CMake files to allow using it in your own applications. ``FleCSI/coverage`` Adds the ``flecsi_enable_coverage`` macro, which adds compiler and linker flags to enable capturing coverage information. ``FleCSI/unit`` Adds the ``flecsi_enable_testing`` macro, which turns on CMake's testing capabilities through ``ctest`` and defines ``unit_tests`` and ``test`` targets. While you can define your own test executables manually with `add_test `_, this CMake file also defines its own ``flecsi_add_test`` function for writing tests based on FleCSI Unit Test framework. .. code-block:: cmake flecsi_add_test(test-name # name of target SOURCES src1 src2 ... srcN # list of source files INPUTS in1 in2 ... inN # list of input files LIBRARIES lib1 lib2 ... libN # libraries linked to test target DEFINES define1 define2 ... defineN # defines added to test target ARGUMENTS arg1 arg2 ... argN # command arguments TESTLABELS label1 label2 ... labelN # labels added to test target PROCS nprocs1 nprocs2 ... nprocsN # number(s) of MPI processes ) ``flecsi_add_test`` will take the sources files in ``SOURCES`` and compile them together with a predefined ``main()`` function. It will also link to any ``LIBRARIES`` and add ``DEFINES`` as compile definitions. If the test uses input files, they can be specified as ``INPUTS``. This ensures they are copied to the execution folder. Command-line arguments are passed via the ``ARGUMENTS`` option. You can also control the number of MPI processes with ``PROCS``. If you provide more than one value in ``PROCS``, this will define one target per value with a name ``_``. .. note:: Targets added with ``flecsi_add_test`` will be run with GPU support if appropriate. ``TESTLABELS`` can be added to your test to allow filtering based on label when using ``ctest``. The ``unit_tests`` target only builds unit tests (and its dependencies) added via ``flecsi_add_test``. Its name can be customized with the ``flecsi_set_unit_tests_target_name(name)`` macro, prior to calling ``flecsi_enable_testing``. The ``test`` target is defined by CMake itself and will run ``ctest``, executing all added tests. **Usage:** Here is a minimal unit test file ````: .. code-block:: cpp #include using namespace flecsi; int mytest_driver() { UNIT() { ASSERT_TRUE(true); }; } // mytest_driver util::unit::driver driver; Which can be compiled with the following ``CMakeLists.txt``: .. code-block:: cmake cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.20) project(myproject LANGUAGES CXX C) set(CXX_STANDARD_REQUIRED ON) set(CMAKE_CXX_STANDARD 17) find_package(FleCSI REQUIRED) include(FleCSI/unit) flecsi_enable_testing() flecsi_add_test(mytest SOURCES To configure and compile: .. code-block:: console mkdir build cd build cmake .. make Once compiled, you can run the tests with: .. code-block:: console make test # OR ctest Code Formatting --------------- ``FleCSI/format`` Adds the ``flecsi_enable_format`` macro, which takes a required ``clang-format`` version as parameter. It defines a ``format`` target that depends on both ``git`` and ``clang-format`` to be present. It also requires the source tree to be a Git checkout. Running this target will find all ``.hh`` and ``.cc`` files and apply the style defined in the project's ``.clang-format``. Dependencies ------------ Some projects might want to explicitly link to dependencies that FleCSI uses itself. External libraries used by FleCSI are added via their own CMake file and the macros they define. The general structure in these files is that they add a ``flecsi_enable_`` macro, which adds the necessary defines, include folders and libraries to a given target. * ``FleCSI/hdf5`` * ``FleCSI/hpx`` * ``FleCSI/kokkos`` * ``FleCSI/legion`` * ``FleCSI/mpi`` * ``FleCSI/openmp`` * ``FleCSI/parmetis`` * ``FleCSI/boost`` * ``FleCSI/caliper`` Other files ----------- ``FleCSI/colors`` Defines several ASCII color codes for colored console output. .. hlist:: :columns: 3 * ``FLECSI_ColorReset`` * ``FLECSI_ColorBold`` * ``FLECSI_Red`` * ``FLECSI_Green`` * ``FLECSI_Yellow`` * ``FLECSI_Brown`` * ``FLECSI_Blue`` * ``FLECSI_Magenta`` * ``FLECSI_Cyan`` * ``FLECSI_White`` * ``FLECSI_BoldGrey`` * ``FLECSI_BoldRed`` * ``FLECSI_BoldGreen`` * ``FLECSI_BoldYellow`` * ``FLECSI_BoldBlue`` * ``FLECSI_BoldMagenta`` * ``FLECSI_BoldCyan`` * ``FLECSI_BoldWhite`` ``FleCSI/summary`` Defines multiple macros to generate a (colored) configuration summary. Each of these macros appends to the global ``_summary``. At the end of your CMake file you can then print this summary using ``message(STATUS ${_summary})``. ``flecsi_summary_header`` will add a header. ``flecsi_summary_info(name info allow_split)`` will take a given ``name`` and add its value ``info`` next to it. If ``info`` is a space-separated list of values, ``allow_split`` controls if each value should be in its own line. ``flecsi_summary_option(name state extra)`` is used for adding Boolean values to the summary. If ``state`` evaluates to ``TRUE`` the option state will be shown in a bright green color, followed by what is in ``extra``. Otherwise, the ``state`` will be shown in gray.