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.. _TUT-CM: Control Model ************* The FleCSI control model allows users to define the high-level structure of an application using a control-flow graph (CFG) of *control points*, under each of which a directed acyclic graph (DAG) of *actions* can be defined. An action typically launches at least one *task*, which is granted access to a subset (color) of a distributed data structure. A task launch produces one *point task* (instance) per color. Point tasks run concurrently with respect to each other. .. sidebar:: Control-model concepts **Control Points** are the logical steps in a control-flow graph. These are not actual execution units. However, they define named anchors where actions can be registered that will be executed when the control-flow graph reaches that control point. **Actions** are C++ functions that are executed under a control point. **Tasks** are C++ functions launched by an action and that access distributed data. For FleCSI developers, the control model replaces the normal hard-coded execution structure of an application, instead providing a well-defined, extensible mechanism which can easily be verified and visualized. Consider the following example of a traditional *implicit* control model: .. code-block:: cpp int main(int argc, char ** argv) { int step{0}, steps{0}; // initialization stage initialize(steps); while(step action_n; const auto dep_na = action_n.add(action_a); const auto dep_bn = action_b.add(action_n); That's it! This will insert a new action that depends on action *A* and which is depended upon by action *B* (:numref:`extension`). Because of FleCSI's data model, any data dependencies will automatically be honored by the runtime. For example, if action *N* modifies a pressure field that is used by action *B*, the underlying runtime will recognize this dependency and the data will be consistent. This code can also be in its own source file, which means that the original package does not need to be modified. Of course, the core application developers need to document the control point identifiers and actions so that our advanced user knows the correct names to use. However, this is a small cost to allow easy experimentation and extension of the application. .. _extension: .. figure:: images/extension.svg :align: center Control Model After Extension. ---- Examples ++++++++ The rest of this tutorial demonstrates how application developers can use the FleCSI control model to create extensible applications. We begin with an extremely simple control model but quickly build to a more realistic example. .. attention:: This tutorial breaks our convention of avoiding details of the FleCSI specialization layer (We lied to you in the tutorial introduction!). This is necessary to demonstrate how the code for this example works. In general, the control model for an application will be defined by the specialization developer, with a fixed set of documented control points that are not modifiable by the application developer. Users of the specialization (application developers) will add actions that define the substance of the simulation. ---- Example 1: Simple +++++++++++++++++ This example will show you how to construct the simplest non-trivial control model that might make sense for an application. :numref:`simple` shows the control model, which has three control points (*initialize*, *advance*, and *finalize*) with one action under each. This is still not a very useful example because it lacks cycles (introduced in the next example). However, it will serve to introduce the definition of a control model from the core FleCSI type. .. _simple: .. figure:: images/simple.svg :align: center :width: 45% Control Model for Example 1. .. tip:: This example introduces the notion of a policy type. Policies are C++ types (structs or classes) that can be used to define the behavior of another templated C++ type. This design pattern was introduced by Andrei Alexandrescu in `Modern C++ Design`__. The details of the design pattern are not important to this example but may make interesting reading. For our purposes, a policy is simply a C++ struct that we pass to the core control type. __ https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Modern_C%2B%2B_Design Defining Control Points ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ The first thing about a control model is the control points. To define these, we use an enumeration. Consider the following from *tutorial/2-control/1-simple.hh*: .. literalinclude:: ../../../../tutorial/2-control/1-simple.hh :language: cpp :start-at: // Enumeration defining the control point identifiers :end-at: enum class cp { The name of the enumeration (*cp*) is arbitrary. However, it is useful to make it concise because it will be used in the application code. In addition to the enumeration itself, we also define an operator overload of the ``* operator`` (function call operator overloading): .. literalinclude:: ../../../../tutorial/2-control/1-simple.hh :language: cpp :start-at: // Define labels for the control points :end-before: // Control policy for this example. Perhaps this looks complicated, but really all it does is to return a string literal given one of the control point enumeration values defined in *cp*. This approach is used by FleCSI because it is safer than defining a static array of string literals. The labels are used to create visualizations of the control model. The following defines the actual control policy (We will discuss the individual parts.): .. literalinclude:: ../../../../tutorial/2-control/1-simple.hh :language: cpp :start-at: // Control policy for this example :end-at: // struct control_policy The first type definition in the policy captures the control points enumeration type. This type is used in the control interface for declaring actions: .. literalinclude:: ../../../../tutorial/2-control/1-simple.hh :language: cpp :start-at: // Capture the control points enumeration type :end-at: using control_points_enum = cp The next type is the *node_policy*. Each set of actions under a control point forms a DAG. Specifying a non-trivial node policy allows the user to add additional interfaces and data to an action. In this simple example, the node type is empty: .. literalinclude:: ../../../../tutorial/2-control/1-simple.hh :language: cpp :start-at: // The actions that are added under each control point :end-at: struct node_policy {}; The actual control points are defined as a list of the typeified integer-valued control points enumeration. The templated *point* definition is a convenience interface for typeifying the control points: .. literalinclude:: ../../../../tutorial/2-control/1-simple.hh :language: cpp :start-at: // The control_points list defines :end-at: // struct control_policy In the above *control_points* list definition, the order is important, as it is the order in which the control points will be sorted and thus executed. Finally, after the control policy, we define a fully-qualified control type. This is the control type that we will use in our example application. .. literalinclude:: ../../../../tutorial/2-control/1-simple.hh :language: cpp :start-at: // Define a fully-qualified control type :end-at: using control = flecsi::run::control; That's the entire control policy for this example. Without comments, it is about 20 lines of code. Let's see how we use it! Using the Control Interface ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ The source for this example is in *tutorial/2-control/1-simple.cc*. Much of the actual main function is the same as in the previous examples. Let's first consider the parts that are different. As referenced earlier, the control type adds the command-line options ``--control-model`` and ``--control-model-sorted`` to the program. These options allow the user to output dot files for visualizing the control model and resulting sequential ordering of the registered actions, respectively. To enable these options, we must call the method that checks for them and exit the program if they have been invoked. Although it is not strictly necessary to end execution after invocation of the control model outputs, it is generally desirable to do so for a real simulation program, which may run for many minutes or hours otherwise: .. literalinclude:: ../../../../tutorial/2-control/1-simple.cc :language: cpp :start-at: // The check_status() method :end-before: flecsi::flog::add_output_stream The last part of the main function is not really different from previous examples; we just have a better understanding of it now. The *execute* method passed to ``flecsi::start`` executes the actions registered on the control model. .. literalinclude:: ../../../../tutorial/2-control/1-simple.cc :language: cpp :start-at: // Pass the control model :end-at: status = flecsi::start(control::execute); The return value is 0 or the value in a ``control_base::exception`` thrown by an action to terminate execution. Now that we have defined the control model and added it to our runtime setup, the only thing that remains is to add some actions under the control points. As stated, actions are nothing more than C/C++ functions. For this example, there are three actions, which all have the same form. We list only the *initialize* function here: .. literalinclude:: ../../../../tutorial/2-control/1-simple.cc :language: cpp :start-at: // Function definition of an initialize action :end-before: // Register the initialize action under To register an action with the control model, we declare a control action: .. literalinclude:: ../../../../tutorial/2-control/1-simple.cc :language: cpp :start-at: // Register the initialize action under :end-at: control::action The template parameters to *control::action* are the function pointer *initialize* and the control point *cp::initialize* (which is why it can be expedient to use a concise enumeration type name). Running this example prints the output of each of the three functions. .. code-block:: console [info all p0] initialize [info all p0] advance [info all p0] finalize Not very interesting, but you should begin to see the simplicity of defining and using a FleCSI control model. .. important:: To generate an image of the control model for this example, try: .. code-block:: console $ ./simple --control-model This will output a graphviz file *simple-control-model.dot* that can be rendered into various image formats: .. code-block:: console $ dot -Tjpg simple-control-model.dot > simple-control-model.jpg $ dot -Tpng simple-control-model.dot > simple-control-model.png $ dot -Teps simple-control-model.dot > simple-control-model.eps For a list of supported output formats, try: .. code-block:: console $ dot -T? If you used spack to build the dependencies for FleCSI, the version of dot that it installs **does not support the PDF format**. To generate a nice looking PDF of the graph, try: .. code-block:: console $ dot -Teps simple-control-model.dot > simple-control-model.eps $ ps2pdf14 -dPDFSETTINGS=/prepress -dEPSCrop simple-control-model.eps ---- Example 2: Cycles +++++++++++++++++ :numref:`cycle` shows a slightly more realistic control model that cycles over *advance* and *analyze* control points. This example demonstrates how to add a cycle. .. _cycle: .. figure:: images/cycle.svg :align: center :width: 55% Example FleCSI Control Model with Cycle. Starting from the previous example, we add the analyze control point: .. literalinclude:: ../../../../tutorial/2-control/2-cycle.hh :language: cpp :start-at: enum class cp { initialize, advance, analyze, finalize }; :end-before: struct control_policy We will use *cp::advance* and *cp::analyze* to define the cycle from the core FleCSI cycle type: .. literalinclude:: ../../../../tutorial/2-control/2-cycle.hh :language: cpp :start-at: // A cycle type. Cycles are similar :end-at: cycle b, b -> d, and a -> d, i.e., :end-at: const auto dep_gf = package_g_action.add(package_f_action); Finally, the additional dependencies from c to a and from d to c are added in the *3-dependencies.cc* file: .. literalinclude:: ../../../../tutorial/2-control/3-dependencies.cc :language: cpp :start-at: // Add dependencies a -> c, and c -> d. :end-at: const auto dep_dc = package_d_action.add(package_c_action); The point of defining the dependencies involving c in a different file is to demonstrate that dependencies do not need to be collocated, provided that they honor normal C++ declaration rules. .. _TUT-CM-STATE: Example 4: Control State ++++++++++++++++++++++++ Actions can use state via the control policy object argument: .. code-block:: cpp void my_action(my_policy &p) {p.my_method();} Let's consider a concrete example of this. In *tutorial/2-control/4-state.hh*, we define a control policy with several methods and some private data: .. literalinclude:: ../../../../tutorial/2-control/4-state.hh :language: cpp :start-at: std::size_t & step() { :end-at: using control = flecsi::run::control; .. important:: Although this example demonstrates the ability to allocate heap data through the control state interface, this approach must not be used to allocate data that will be accessed by tasks and modified during the simulation: i.e., control state data should be used only to hold global constants and/or implement the control logic of the run. As a special case, MPI tasks can access and modify such objects. The FleCSI data model provides other mechanisms for creating and managing state data, which are documented in the :ref:`TUT-DM` section of this tutorial. These interfaces are used to implement the example actions in *tutorial/2-control/4-state.cc*. The basic structure of the example allocates a simple array, initializes the values, modifies the values, and frees the data. Again, the code is self-explanatory: .. literalinclude:: ../../../../tutorial/2-control/4-state.cc :language: cpp :start-after: using namespace state; :end-at: control::action finalize_action; The primary take-away from this example should be that users can define arbitrary C++ interfaces and data, given the concurrent access restrictions above. .. vim: set tabstop=2 shiftwidth=2 expandtab fo=cqt tw=72 :