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Tutorial ******** This tutorial attempts to give a basic introduction to the design philosophy and structure of the FleCSI programming system. Each subdirectory contains example codes that can be compiled with CMake. Details on how to build the tutorials are given below. .. attention:: The tutorial is primarily designed as an introduction for application developers: i.e., we do not go into the details of designing or implementing the specialization layer, and the discussion of core FleCSI features is limited to the high-level execution and data interfaces. Because a specialization layer is necessary to use FleCSI, we have provided a simple mesh interface as part of the tutorial. Users who are interested in the basic structure of a mesh topology specialization are encouraged to examine the source code in the *specialization* subdirectory of this tutorial. ---- Requirements ++++++++++++ The tutorial assumes that you have successfully installed FleCSI somewhere on your system. Instructions for different install methods are available here: :ref:`build`. Once you have built and installed FleCSI, add the path to your installation to your *CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH*: .. code-block:: console $ export CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH=/path/to/flecsi/install/dir:$CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH ---- Building the Examples +++++++++++++++++++++ The tutorial uses a standard CMake build system. To configure and build the examples, execute the following steps from the *tutorial* subdirectory of the FleCSI source: .. code-block:: console $ mkdir build && cd build $ cmake .. $ make ---- Tutorial Examples +++++++++++++++++ The tutorial examples are designed to guide the reader through basic to more advanced FleCSI concepts. .. toctree:: tutorial/runtime tutorial/control tutorial/execution tutorial/data tutorial/parallel tutorial/flaxpy tutorial/poisson .. vim: set tabstop=2 shiftwidth=2 expandtab fo=cqt tw=72 :